I think my CD cover is very suitable to be a Pop album, because it is all very pink and femenine. The font is thin, and the songs are love songs. I think the front cover image looks good, but I'm not very convinced about the back cover. I'm also not very happy with the name of the artist, it isn't very original, but it works for the genre it is meant to be. The most difficult part of the project for me was thinking about the design and names. I have learnt how to edit photos on photoshop, and also how to analyse different CD covers, and what elements let you know what genre the CD is.
If I had all the money in the world I would use beter images with a proper model, and I would probably use better photoshop techniques.
This album can be compared to other pop CD covers such as Avril Lavigne, Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj or Britney Spears.
This is a Britney Spears album, She does pop music, and the main colour in her front cover is pink. I think it is a bit similar to my album because it has got the singer on the cover and it uses a feminine font. The name of the album makes you think it contains love songs.
Again, the main colour is pink. The album contains the word 'pink', like my album. The artist is on the front cover and the font is very thin and feminine.
This album is quite simple. It is just a photo of the singer with her name and the name of her album in the top left corner. There is a few different colours in this photo, but the one that actually stands out is pink. I think all the pop albums are pretty much the same: they all have the photo of the artist on the cover, they all use pink and the font is serif and thin, very feminine.
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